H4: 3-25 The KJR State of the Union Roundtable

The KJR State of the Union roundtable begins with chaos… would you expect anything else?

Softy, Marc James and Ian Furness join Chuck and Buck as we begin to take a look at the state of Seattle sports ahead of Mariners opening day.

- John Schneider has taken some big risks sending Geno and DK out of town.

- We have taken a turn… shocking. Who has the best prostate? Yes, we have an actual conversation about it.

- Is John Schneider on the hot seat?

:30- We are back with the chaos!

- Onto the Mariners- how many wins can they get this year, realistically?

- Justin Turner’s comments spark a discussion.

:45- We wrap up the first hour of the roundtable with a conversation about the Kraken and the emergence of their young talent,

- Is Ron Francis on the hot seat?

- Is 2025 the season they get things back on track?

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