The KJR State of the Union roundtable begins with chaos… would you expect anything else?
Softy, Marc James and Ian Furness join Chuck and Buck as we begin to take a look at the state of Seattle sports ahead of Mariners opening day.
- John Schneider has taken some big risks sending Geno and DK out of town.
- We have taken a turn… shocking. Who has the best prostate? Yes, we have an actual conversation about it.
- Is John Schneider on the hot seat?
:30- We are back with the chaos!
- Onto the Mariners- how many wins can they get this year, realistically?
- Justin Turner’s comments spark a discussion.
:45- We wrap up the first hour of the roundtable with a conversation about the Kraken and the emergence of their young talent,
- Is Ron Francis on the hot seat?
- Is 2025 the season they get things back on track?